Dashain Then Vs Now

The time of family reunion,exchange of gifts and blessing,pujas,honoring Goddess Durga, flying kites and many more is Dashain.People of Nepal engage with jamara and tika. Each and every place of the country is so into the preparation of this festival. So, It`s arrival can be felt because of the bustling environment everywhere. It is the largest hindu festival and is observed on ashoj and kartik.
In the course of time, The way of celebrating dashain has altered. Before Dashain meant flying kites,family gatherings,eating meats,visiting relative and lots more but now even if we do all the things as like before the vibes and the joyfulness doesn`t match.
There used to be kites playing competition where one player attempts to cut the string of an opponent`s kites with the string of his/her own. New clothes were the thing that brought smile in everyone`s face.
Now, People are competing far their better looks and their dresses and are showing off more. Before people used to compete on making the house more pretty by coloring their house with red mud. People used to work hard for month and months so that they could celebrate dashain happily.
Since past two years, Dashain hasn`t been what it used to be before. There used to be crowds of people who were shopping and going to their hometown. However, The charm has downscaled than before and it is one of the reason; the loss of loved ones due to the pandemic of Covid-19.
Another reason is the modernization. If we let it be like this,upcoming generations will totally forget about our Cultures and Festival. Thus, more focus should be given on bringing back. The essence of dashain that was celebrated before and preserving our Culture.
कात्तिक १४, २०७८ आइतबार २१:२६:०० मा प्रकाशित
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